Dining for Diabetes

Currently, we are excited to announce the inaugural year of our community-wide diabetes initiative; the second initiative of Rilassati Women’s Retreats. There are thousands of women in our local community with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes.

Our recent census revealed 18% of our local residents are below the national poverty threshold, and even more are uninsured. As a result, many of our local residents are non-compliant diabetics, resulting in further damage to their hearts, kidneys and overall health.

Non-compliance is generally a result of inability to purchase medication and diabetic supplies which are vital to treatment parameters. Our goal is to provide diabetic supplies to uninsured area residents and to provide vital education regarding compliance, nutrition and medication management, with the support of the medical community.

This year will mark the beginning of our annual diabetes initiative. This will come together as an annual program and distribution effort for which we are currently seeking sponsors. Rilassati Women’s Retreats Blue Hearts Jazz Brunch — A Dining for Diabetes Initiative, will further highlight our community needs.

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    Upcoming Events

    Dining for Diabetes Gala
    Saturday, February 18, 2023
    Port Arthur Civic Center

    Previous Events

    Sugar Busters Diabetes Initiative | Rilassati Women’s Retreats