Our Impact

Rilassati Women’s Retreats is a 501(c)3 nonprofit entity located in the Southeast Texas area whose mission is to educate, encourage and support women in matters of health and wellness with an emphasis on the related issues of breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, diabetes and their associated connection.

We are bringing awareness, aid and hope to our Southeast Texas community.

Together We Can!

Make a Donation

Your donation will be used to promote the programs for each initiative and to provide supportive screening, supplies and more.

A Life Changing Investment

  • Fund supportive and educational programs
  • Life-saving screening mammograms
  • Provide needed equipment and monitoring supplies
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Join Our Cause

Rilassati Women’s Retreats has a large number of volunteer opportunities for individuals who would like to get involved in one of our initiatives.

Ways to Get Involved

  • Winners for Life
  • Dining for Diabetes
  • Purple Pumps
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